The best Instagram feed for travel inspiration this week

Author: Aisling Kiely

The days of travel brochures, TV adverts and Teletext holidays are long gone. Now, we tend to find our inspiration to travel at the click of a button and the jerk of a thumb. Instagram is full of aspiring travel photographers, eager adventurers and stunning locations. So, I guess the news is that the travel bug is never going to go away.

This week’s featured Instagram account comes courtesy of @fursty. An outdoor adventure and lifestyle photographer from the Pacific Northwest, Dylan Furst is a self-taught photographer who developed his photography skills through his passion for the wilderness. Born and raised outdoors, Furst has his own way of interacting with wildlife in their natural habitats and captures their finest moments on camera.

From roaring camp fires to log cabins in the forest, Dylan’s photography doesn’t really help stem our insatiable desire to travel.

A photo posted by Dylan Furst (@fursty) on

A photo posted by Dylan Furst (@fursty) on

A photo posted by Dylan Furst (@fursty) on