Now we all love a bit of kayaking. But this guy just takes it to the next step. This week’s amazing footage shows Evan Garcia kayaking down a 70ft waterfall in America.
Waterfall kayaking has emerged as a subset of whitewater paddling and over the years it has grown more and more popular. It thrills audiences and drives athletes on to push the boundries and attempt higher and more challenging waterfalls.
This specific example takes place at Outlet Falls in Yakima County, Washington. Throughout the video Evan explores what it means to kayak big waterfalls and what rewards and risks they may hold. The main event itself kicks into action around the three-minute mark, but we recommend watching the whole thing to get a real sense of what these athletes take on.
Huck from Andy Maser on Vimeo.
If you liked that then be sure to check out last week’s video showing some truly awesome mountain biking by clicking here.